From this post, I will introduce you about Mana Khemia and it's review. Mana khemia is published by Gust and NIS America on June 21st, in Japan and March 31st, in US. Mana Khemia use "alchemy" for it's main attraction and the story of this game is also about a group of alchemist. The genre of this game is Traditional Turn-Based RPG.. You gain control of Vayne, which is some kind of amnesiac and his pasts is revealed during the game progress. There are total of 8 playable character, but you can only use 6 of them for combat (3 Vanguard and 3 Support). This game also provide fishing, mining, gathering, and harvesting method in order to collect the alchemy ingridients. What makes this game differents from any other Turn-Based RPG? This game have an unique Status Upgrade which using "Grow Book" system. Unlike the "Level Up" system, you can upgrade your character based on what item you has already synthesized using alchemy. Even though the graphic of this game is so "old-fashioned", this game have a great combat system and great story line. For a RPG-Lover, they will never regret playing this game ^^.
Screenshot of Grow Book System
Screenshot of Fishing Method
Combat Screenshot